Jim Corbett Jeep Safari

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Jim Corbett Jeep Safari Uttarakhand

Delhi To Corbett Distance & Time:

The distance and time it takes to travel from Delhi to Jim Corbett National Park can vary depending on the specific route you choose and the mode of transportation. Jim Corbett National Park is located in the Nainital district of Uttarakhand, and there are different routes to reach it. Here are the approximate distances and travel times for the most common routes:

1. Delhi to Jim Corbett via NH9:

  • Distance: Approximately 235 to 275 kilometers, depending on your exact starting point in Delhi and the location in Jim Corbett you are heading to.
  • Travel Time by Road: It takes approximately 5 to 7 hours by car, depending on traffic conditions and road conditions. The journey can be longer during peak tourist season.

2. Delhi to Jim Corbett via Train:

  • You can also travel by train from Delhi to Ramnagar, which is the nearest railway station to Jim Corbett.
  • Distance: The rail distance from Delhi to Ramnagar is approximately 250 to 275 kilometers, depending on the train route chosen.
  • Travel Time by Train: The travel time by train can vary depending on the train you choose, but it typically takes around 5 to 7 hours to reach Ramnagar from Delhi.

3. Delhi to Jim Corbett via Air:

  • The nearest airport to Jim Corbett National Park is Pantnagar Airport (PGH), which is approximately 70 kilometers away.
  • Distance: The air distance between Delhi and Pantnagar Airport is approximately 220 kilometers.
  • Travel Time by Air: The flight from Delhi to Pantnagar takes approximately 1 to 1.5 hours. However, you will need to account for additional time for airport transfers and travel to Jim Corbett from Pantnagar.

Please note that travel times can vary based on road conditions, traffic, weather, and your exact starting and ending points. It’s essential to plan your journey and check for any updates or changes in transportation options, especially if you are traveling during peak tourist seasons. Additionally, the travel experience can be affected by the specific location within Jim Corbett National Park you intend to visit, as there are multiple safari zones and entry gates, each with its distance from the park’s entrance.

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