Jim Corbett Jeep Safari

Contact Us: +91- 7617641637

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Encountering a wild animal during a safari in Jim Corbett National Park can be an exciting and potentially risky situation. Here are steps to follow if you encounter a wild animal:

  1. Maintain Calmness:
  • The first and most crucial step is to remain calm. Do not panic or make sudden movements or loud noises, as this can startle the animal.
  1. Stay Inside the Vehicle:
  • If you’re on a jeep safari, stay inside the vehicle and keep all windows and doors closed. The vehicle provides a barrier between you and the animal and can help you stay safe.
  1. Do Not Approach or Chase:
  • Never approach a wild animal, no matter how tempting it may be for a closer look or a better photo. Maintain a safe distance and avoid chasing or cornering the animal.
  1. Observe Quietly:
  • Use binoculars or a camera with a telephoto lens to observe the animal from a distance. Enjoy the moment and remember that the goal is to respect and appreciate the wildlife in their natural habitat.
  1. Listen to Your Guide:
  • If you’re on a guided safari, listen to your experienced guide’s instructions. They are trained to handle such situations and will provide guidance on how to proceed safely.
  1. Keep Children Calm:
  • If children are with you, ensure they remain calm and quiet. Explain to them the importance of not making sudden movements or loud noises.
  1. Stay in the Vehicle If the Animal Approaches:
  • If the animal begins to approach the vehicle, stay inside. Most animals are more interested in going about their business than interacting with humans.
  1. Back Away Slowly (If on Foot):
  • If you’re on a walking safari or outside the vehicle and encounter a wild animal, slowly and quietly back away from the animal without turning your back on it.
  1. Report the Sighting:
  • After the encounter, report it to park authorities or your safari operator. They can share the information with other visitors and rangers to ensure safety.
  1. Do Not Feed the Animals:
    • Under no circumstances should you feed wild animals. Feeding can habituate them to humans and lead to dangerous behavior.

Remember that Jim Corbett National Park is home to a diverse range of wildlife, including potentially dangerous animals like tigers and elephants. Respect their space and behavior, and prioritize safety at all times. Your guide and park rangers are there to ensure a safe and memorable wildlife experience, so follow their advice and guidelines closely.

Durga Devi Jeep Safari Zone
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